
Sustainability is at the forefront of today’s discussions, touching every industry. Denali assists hotels in cutting food waste and reducing environmental impact at events, benefiting everyone involved and ensuring efficiency. This blog post will explore the process and advantages of zero food-waste events. 

Zero food-waste events hosted by hotels not only help the environment by diverting unused food from landfills, but this practice also promotes sustainability for our environment.  

Organizations can make a positive impact on the environment and benefit themselves at the same time. It’s a win-win situation.  

Consider a scenario where NovaCure Pharmaceuticals plans to host a conference at Crescent Oasis Hotel. If the hotel works with Denali to host a zero food-waste event, NovaCure Pharmaceuticals, and Crescent Oasis Hotel can both benefit from using sustainable practices. How so? 

NovaCure Pharmaceuticals will receive a certificate of participation in the zero-food waste program along with specific diversion data that will feed its organizational goals. This collaborative effort not only promotes environmental stewardship but also fosters a culture of sustainability across industries. 

Zero food-waste events function much like typical hotel conference gatherings, but with a crucial difference: they incorporate sustainable practices that yield significant benefits.  

The zero food-waste process is hassle-free, with the bulk of the work taken care of by us! Initially, all food waste from hotel kitchens, buffets, and events undergo separation from regular trash—a crucial first step. A clear list detailing what items can and cannot be disposed of ensures clarity in this process. 

Then, the staff puts the food waste in  bins outside by the trash compactor for easy disposal. Denali picks up these totes every week and repurposes the food waste for things like fertilizer, animal feed, or fuel. This approach not only reduces waste but also positively impacts various sectors, contributing to a more sustainable future.  

Group of People

Additionally, platforms like Cvent share about the hotels’ sustainability practices when booking events on their website. Being able to add sustainability practices to your hotel can showcase you differently on booking platforms. 

This proactive approach underscores the increasing significance of sustainability in event planning, highlighting the importance of integrating zero food-waste initiatives into such practices. 

To sum up, events that aim to eliminate food waste are at the crossroads of environmental awareness and operational effectiveness in the hotel industry. As businesses increasingly prioritize sustainability, these efforts show a dedication to protecting the environment and providing a competitive edge. 

By adopting practices that minimize food waste, hotels can reduce their impact on the environment, boost their brand image, cultivate customer loyalty, and establish themselves as pioneers in sustainable hospitality. Events with zero food waste show progress towards a sustainable future, where environmental awareness and business success go hand in hand. 

Find out how Denali can help make your next event eco-friendly!