Green Sports Day is quickly approaching! In 2015, President Obama appointed October 6 as the day that celebrates the Green Sports Alliance, and the global impacts sports can have for both people and the planet. Fast forward to 2023, Green Sports Day was celebrated in 14 countries with 168 official participants.¹ Sustainability in sports is a holistic look at the impacts sporting events have on waste generation, resource usage, climate and other environmental challenges. Just like many holidays, this day to celebrate green sports needs to expand to year-round focus for lasting impacts.

Did you know?

Sporting and other event venues generate a variety of organic wastes that can be recycled, including food waste, used cooking oil and green waste. These organic wastes can be generated from preparation, lack of consumption, product expiration and landscaping clean-up. The U.S. EPA estimates that in 2019, sports venues generated nearly 40,000 tons of food waste in the U.S. ²

The Green Sports Alliance believes this initiative has the power to drive significant environmental change.¹ In preparation for the 2024 Green Sports Day celebratory events, the organization suggests three “activations” to keep the momentum going.¹

  1. Inspire Action: Challenge others to get involved.
  2. Demonstrate Leadership: Showcase improvements or innovations made to advance sustainability in your organization.
  3. Impact Community: Involve the local community in projects related to sustainable sporting.

What is your venue doing to prepare for Green Sports Day celebrations? How can you showcase your progress over the last year, while preparing for next year?

Did you know?

Denali provides customized food waste recycling service for sport and event venues, including the right collection bin type, locations and collection schedule to fit the location’s needs. Denali also provides recycling data that can then be used to identify opportunities to reduce and recycle more.

Did you know?

Denali can collect all food waste, including packaged items, to simplify the process to recycle. These valuable food components are mechanically separated from the packaged material and are converted into compost, which can then be used in landscaping or to grow local produce on site.

If you would like to learn more about recycling food waste, used cooking oil or landscaping wastes at your sporting or event venue, contact Denali for more information. We can help you set up a customized program to fit your service needs and organic waste streams for the best value.


About Denali
Denali is a leading expert and recycler in the US organics recycling industry. In food waste alone, Denali was responsible for managing over 1.7 billion pounds of food waste from retail, foodservice, and industrial food processors in 2023. In recognizing the impact that food waste has on the climate, Denali is committed to working with customers to find innovative, data-driven solutions to reduce waste on the front end. Denali views what others consider “waste” as a valuable resource, manages multiple recycling facilities in the US, and has a sizeable fleet to transport organic wastes to a diverse network of recyclers. As a contributor to the circular economy, Denali closes the loop by producing valuable products from recycled organics, including animal feed, biodiesel, compost, tire lubricants, and mulch.

1. Green Sports Alliance
2. U.S. EPA